This fruity dessert recipe is light and tasty - with flavours that go down really well at Christmas time!

6 oranges (ideally thin skinned variety)
500g caster sugar (ensure its vegan friendly)
250ml water
3 cinnamon sticks
a handful of pomegranate seeds
Cut the ends of each orange and then carefully slice the skin off vertically, trying to keep as much flesh as possible but remove the pith.
Slice the oranges (ideally on a bowl or plate with a lip so you don’t lose all the juices)
Now to make the caramel: put the sugar, water and cinnamon sticks into a large saucepan and shake a little to dissolve the sugar (don’t stir). Then very slowly bring it to a gentle simmer. Watch it carefully, until it turns to a honey colour. Don’t stir it.
As soon as it is honey-coloured, switch off the heat and pour the oranges and any juice into the pan. Quickly coat the oranges and then pour the whole lot onto a serving dish or plate. You’ll need to act quickly so the caramel doesn’t set before you get it out of the pan.
You can attempt to fish out the cinnamon stick – but take care not to burn your fingers. If you don't manage don’t worry – it looks pretty left in anyway.
Allow to cool and then chill in the fridge for a while. When ready to serve, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.
Serve alone or with yogurt/vegan yogurt or ice cream/vegan ice cream.